Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Calling a static page method using AJAX and then clicking elsewhere on the page

Hi All! I seem to have reached a snag and hoping someone out there can help me...Basically, I am letting the user click a button on my site which uses AJAX to call a static page method on my page which runs a complicated query in my database. The query can take up to 5 minutes to complete so I wanted to use AJAX to let the user still surf my site while the query was running in the background. However, once the user clicks on a button and tries to navigate anywhere else on the site the browser gets "stuck". It won't let you surf anywhere sort of just hangs there until the browser receives a message back form the server saying the query succeeded or failed. I thought you can make more than one web service call at once? If you can't, is there a way to make a call to the server, but not necessarily wait back for a response?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

The Ajax webservice/pagemethod call is always async, you should be able to do the other operations in the page. Can you pls post your code, so that we can verify it.

Below is my aspx code:


// <!CDATA[

function Button1_onclick() {



function OnSucceeded(result)


$get('GenerateLabel').innerHTML = result;


// ]]>



<bodystyle="text-align: center">



<inputid="Button1"style="position: relative"type="button"value="Run Report"onclick="Button1_onclick()"/>

This is my code behind page:

[WebMethod]publicstaticString WriteReport()


String UserName =HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

int reportsID = (int)HttpContext.Current.Session["reportsID"];

Reports rep = (Reports)HttpContext.Current.Session["Report"];



Sharing.WriteActualReport(reportsID, rep, UserName); //This is the method that takes a few minutes to complete and where it get stuck.


catch (Exception)


return"An error occurred."




There is nothing wrong in your code. You should be able to do any thing when the method is in progress. but what other operations you are trying to do?

KaziManzurRashidsuggested the following solution which worked on my computer. I'm still not sure why calling a static page method still stalls my site (on my computer), but the below code seemed to work well:


No i did not encounter that, I was able to click different parts of the page. [Edited] It is not a good practise to run such a long process in the server. However, you can utilize the ThreadPool to generate this report in the server. in that case the the message will be returnded instantly to the user. May be the following will code will help you:

[WebMethod()]public string GenerateReport(string param1,string param2){ System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new System.Threading.WaitCallback(GenerateReportInternal),new object[] { param1, param2 });return"Report generation started";}private void GenerateReportInternal(object state){object[] pair = (object[])state;string param1 = (string)pair[0];string param2 = (string)pair[1];//Generate your Report over here. //Fake delay for your test. System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * 60 * 5);}

Thanks again!

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