Monday, March 26, 2012

Calling __doPostBack causing full postback :-(

Ok, if I capture an event on the client, for example, a click event on a textbox that is inside an update panel, and in that event I call __doPostBack I get a full postback.

However, if I add a button and call it's click event, I get the partial page update I want. So I guess the question is how to invoke a partial page update via script?

Thanks ... Ed

Make sure the appropriate trigger has been set up for the UpdatePanel. You can also set the TextBox to have AutoPostBack="true" which will add a __doPostBack to the onchange event handler.

Of course if you absolutely need to trigger a button click from JavaScript you can do something similar to this:


<title>Untitled Page</title>
function SemiHacky(){
<ahref="javascript:SemiHacky();">Click here</a> to execute some JavaScript and submit the Button1 button via JavaScript.

The code behind is just setting the Label text to the current time so you can see the PostBack occur:

Label1.Text =DateTime.Now.ToString();



I did exactly as you suggested, but to no avail.

I am trying to launch a modal dialog and I have tried the following variations, some of which seem to work correctly, except that once the modal dialog is display and I try to dismiss it via a server

side mydlg.close() I get an error stating "The control 'dlgDivTasks' already has a data item registered."

These are the individual calls that I have tried. I should point out that if I just to a plain __doPostBack("","") I get a full postback and no error when I try to dismiss the dialog.


Thanks ... Ed

Hi Ed,

Have you had any luck using the OnOkScript property of the ModalPupupExtender? One way that I use the modal popup is I have an Ok and Cancel button but they may be named differently based on user actions (ie. Cancel may be labelled as Close). I then use the OnOkScript to execute some client JavaScript which then uses a web service to pass the data back to the server for some processing.



//TODO: Add some web service call to take care of my data processing requirements

When the Web Service completes, the onSuccess JavaScript function for the webservice in my OnOkScript function changes the 'Cancel' button text to 'Close.


$get('btnOk').disabled =true;
$get('btnCancel').value ='Close';

Then it's finished and the Modal closes via client side when the user is ready.


Looks like my copy / paste made the JavaScript functions look odd.

Hi, thanks for the reply.

Wouldn't what you suggest be kinda limiting? I wouldn't have access to the various data and controls on the page unless I passed a mountain of parameters the the service call. Seems to me I should just be able to do an async update via the update panel so I can use my server side code to get the job done.

The thing that is a mystery to me is why it is doing a full post back in the first place.I have everything working perfectly it's just the damned blink!

Thanks ... Ed

I have just had a similar situation myself whereby a full postback was occuring whenever I called __doPostBack. Trick is that you have to specifiy the actual client ID in the EventTarget parameter

i.e. _doPostBack('', ''); will NOT work where as _doPostBack('ctl00_textBox1', ''); WILL work. Obviously thats just an example so replace ctl00_textBox1 with your actual clientID value

So my code became:

textJobRef.Attributes.Add("onkeyup","javascript:setTimeout('__doPostBack(\'" + textJobRef.ClientID +"\', \'\')', 0)")

I dont think the timeout is required, but .NET does it so it must be for a reason! :)

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