Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Calling jvascript function from the button under UpdatePanel


I am having a a web application developed using asp.net2.0 with as a language.

In this web application i am having two buttons and one update panel. Now my button1 is outside the updatepanel and another button2 is present inside the updatepanel.

In if we want to run any javascript function on the click of a button then we normally use the button.attribute.add() function but if we want that when user click on button then first some server side code will be performed and then the javascript function will be called.

For that we uses the below code in !!!

Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType,"Script", "<Script>alert('Hello');</Script>")

this code is working fine on the click event of the button that is present outside the update panel. But when i am running the same code on the click event of the button that is present inside the updatepanel then its not working,

Remeber that i d't want to run the javascript code when user just click on the button , i want first some server side code wil perform his work then after this script will run.

But for controls under update panel its not working.??

please paste your code here, because I am doing almost the same thing here without any issues.


Add a Literal control to your web form.

In your Click method use this code:

literal1.Text = "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('Hello world!');</script>";

Dont forget to clear Text property in another postbacks.

Use ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript, instead of the ClientScript class' method.

Can anyone tell me the solution for this?

Me too getting the same issue.



Calling javascript when a page has refreshed

I have an AJAX app that needs to call a javascript function when the page changes its state (for example some panels are hidden/displayed).

Due to the nature of AJAX, I can't use window.onload since no load event occurs.

What can I use to call my javascript functions when the page content changes?

If you are using UpdatePanels you can handle the PageRequestManager events:

It worked!

I had a javascript function called adjustHeight.

I added

<head>... <script type="text/javascript"> function adjustHeight() { . . . } window.onLoad = function() { Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_pageLoaded(adjustHeight); } </script>

calling javascript proxy functions from master.pages

I 've a master page with an scriptmanager with EnablePAgeMethods=true.

I want to call from that page a static methode from my page within client side with a call like PageMethods.DeleteFIle()-this beeing a javascript proxy class which supoused to be generated by the script manager.

The issue is that this call work well from a simple page but not from master page -on java script i 've got the PageMaster it's unknown.

Thank you


Here is a sample made according to your requirement. Please try it:

[Master page]

<%@. Master Language="C#" %><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><script runat="server"></script><html xmlns="" ><head runat="server"> <title>Untitled Page</title> </head><body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true"> </asp:ScriptManager> <input id="Button1" type="button" value="button" onclick="SayHello();"/> <input id="Text1" type="text" /> <asp:contentplaceholder id="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server"> </asp:contentplaceholder> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function SayHello() { PageMethods.Hello(onComplete); } function onComplete(result) { $get("Text1").value = result; } </script> </form></body></html>

[Content page]

<%@. Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" Title="Untitled Page" %><script runat="server"> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } [System.Web.Services.WebMethod] public static string Hello() { return "Hello world!"; }</script><asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server"></asp:Content>
Hope this helps.

I have nearly this exact scenario, but the result returned is always the complete markup for the page. Any ideas as to why this is?

Can you show me your code

I also have the same problem. The pagemethod callback shows full page markup instead of return value.

Here's the code

<%-- <Snippet1 Master page> --%>

<%@.MasterCodeFile="MasterPage.master.cs"Inherits="MasterPage"Language="C#" %>

<%@.RegisterAssembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"

Namespace="System.Web.UI"TagPrefix="asp" %>

<!DOCTYPEhtmlPUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN""">



<title>UpdatePanel in Master Pages</title>





<pstyle="font-family: Playbill, Fantasy; background-color: olive; font-weight: bold;

font-size: xx-large;">

Master Page













<%-- </Snippet1> --%>

<%-- <Snippent2 Child content page> --%>


Title="UpdatePanel in Master Pages" %>

<%@.RegisterAssembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"

Namespace="System.Web.UI"TagPrefix="asp" %>


<pstyle="font-family: Playbill, Fantasy; background-color: aqua; font-weight: bold; font-size: xx-large;"> Content Page</p>



function doload()




function GetName_Complete()


if(arguments.length >0)



//document.getElementById('<%=txt1.ClientID %>').value = arguments[0].toString();















<asp:ButtonID="lnkChild"runat="server"OnClick="lnkChild_Click"Text="Ajax Update"/>



calling javascript in atlas


I want to call a javascript function when call is made to server using atlas.

For e.g. instead of using ProgressBar of atlas which makes a div tag visible till server response comes in,I want to do some other processing through a javascript function till server response comes in (like hiding button).

Is it possible ?

thanks in advance for response


yes, you this forum for pagerequestmanager should find 1 or 2 examples that show how to do that.

calling javascript functions

I am working on an ajax web page which has several controls including a ScriptManager control and the ajax Timer control. When the timer fires a tick I want the server side to perform some calculations and then call a client script function with the results. The client script will then do something with the results.

Also, I want to call another javascript function when I click a button.

I'm a bit rusty with javascript, so I'd like to see examples on how to make this work.

What and where exactly you want to do?

When the timer fires, I want the server to generate (calculate) a pair of integers (or possibly an array of pairs) and call a javascript function on the client side passing those numbers. The client will then "plot" points on a graphics window using some built-in drawing java functions I have. The timer will probably fire several times a second. The client does not need to make any calls to the server.

When a button is clicked, I want the server to call another javascript function (passing no arguments) which will erase the graphics window. The timer continues firing.

I have other buttons, to start and stop the timer, sliders to change the timer rate and other parameters, checkboxes and radio buttons which also affect the calculations, etc. All I need help with is making the client calls and passing the data. Is the ScriptManager useful in that respect? By the way, I'm kind of "new" in java.

I've seen scenarios where client calls server, and server calls the client back with a reply. However, can the server just call the client repeatedly? Or does the timer control act as the client-to-server caller?

Yo can use for calling javascript function

Registering Custom Script

from ScriptManager

For calling server side function use web services..

Actually, what I need to do requires "COMET", a form of "reverse AJAX". Is there an easy way to emplement COMET in ASP.Net? When the user clicks the "start" button, the server needs to begin "firing" pairs of numbers at the client at a steady rate (several times a second) until the user clicks the "stop" button.


According to theclient life cycle, you can hook an event handler to theloadevent which will be fired every time an partial postback returns. Then invoke your graphical jscript function in it. For instance:

<%@. Page Language="C#" %><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""
<script runat="server"
<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:Timer ID="Timer1" runat="server" Interval="1000">
<input id="time" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function draw(){
var dt = new Date();
$get("time").value = dt.toString();


function ApplicationLoadHandler(sender, args)
draw(); // invoke your graphical function instead

Thanks, but I didnt get it what does this do ?

 <script type="text/javascript">
function draw(){
var dt = new Date();
$get("time").value = dt.toString();


function ApplicationLoadHandler(sender, args)
draw(); // invoke your graphical function instead

This is a javascript function with no usefulness at all, just for demostration purpose. You need to invoke what you really need here.

I need the server to send a pair of numbers to the client each time it fires.

You can expose the method of sending numbers as a web service on the server.

Then invoke it at client side.

Please read this:

calling javascript function in atlas


I want to call a javascript function when call is made to server using atlas.

For e.g. instead of using ProgressBar of atlas which makes a div tag visible till server response comes in,I want to do some other processing through a javascript function till server response comes in.

Is it possible ?

thanks in advance for response

I believe this is not a Toolkit issue; please see FAQ topic "Posting in the right forum". Thanks!

Calling JavaScript Function From C#

Dear Team

i am using VS2005 ASP.NET 2.0 C# JavaScript AJAX
i want on timer tick in side uodate panel to call javascript Function()
so how can i do that.

thank you

I would very much like to know how to do that too.

I have a ModalPopup containing SimpleViewer, and I need to set the path to an xml file when the user clicks an imagebutton, but as there is no postback going on I can't add that path or whatever it might be to the JavaScript block.

So I relaly need for the JavaScript block to be "loaded" and executed when the user clicks one of many buttons and then load the javascript based on that.

This is a great resource on using a TimerControl with an UpdatePanel:

However if you want to execute a JavaScript function before/during/after an UpdatePanel is refreshed you will need to explore the PageRequestManagerClass:

You can add the following Javascript to a page:

<script type="text/javascript">
function pageLoaded(sender, args) {
if (args.get_panelsUpdated().length > 0){
alert('a panel was just updated!');
// doSomeFunction();


Calling Javascript function as a property for an extender


I have written a custom extender. In this custom externder, after a specific function is called, I would like to call another javascript function. This custom extender is re-used in various scenarios.So the javascript function to call is different in different scenarios. Code for all these scenarios cannot be put in the extender js file. So I would like to pass a dynamic javascript function name as a property value to the extender, and also give it the path of the js file which contains this javascript function. However I am unable to write this.

Can some one help please




You can use eval function to invoke a function with its name.

For instance:

// in the .js file of the extender

function handler()
// a specific function
eval(_functionNameFiled + '();'); //_functionNameFiled is a field that hold the name of the function to be invoked

Marked your property asExtenderControlMethod, make this property as a function interface

calling javascript function after asychronous call back event

I have a grid showing a list of records and a 'AddNew' Button on page. When user clicks on 'AddNew' a 'Table' which is not visible by default becomes visible using javascript and setting 'style.visible='visible'' and 'style.display='block'' properties. Now when user enters the data for new listing and click on 'Save Data' button i am sending an aschrounous call back using AJAX tool kit and UpdatePanel. Everything workes fine and record is entered withour complete Page Postback. But after the record is inserted and Grid is refreshed with asychronous postback what i want is to Hide that 'Add New' table and just wanted to show Grid on page. And the problem is i am not able to call the javascript function after asychronous call back which hides the Table.

Any suggestions?

Look into the Sys.WebForms.PageLoadedEventArgs class.

(its a lot easier than the docs make it look)

<script type="text/javascript">var postbackElement;Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_beginRequest(beginRequest);Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_pageLoaded(pageLoaded); function beginRequest(sender, args) { postbackElement = args.get_postBackElement(); } function pageLoaded(sender, args) { var updatedPanels = args.get_panelsUpdated(); if (typeof(postbackElement) === "undefined") { return; } else if ( > -1) { //WHATEVER SCRIPT YOU NEED TO RUN } }</script>

Thankslilconnorpeterson ! your solution worked fine but fortunately i came to know that the problembecomes really simple and there is no need for calling javascript and making a Table Visible/Invisible if i replace the HTML table with server side Panel. Now i can simple make it Visible/Invisible by setting its Visible/Invsible property to true/false in codebehind.


Zeeshan Malik

Calling javascript from ASP.NET AJAX

I am trying to read a cookie with some javascript, without postback, using a timer control. I all need to do is return the value of the .js file and use it in the timer event.

So far here's what I have done:

I have a ScriptManager and an updatepanel with a timer control inside.

I set the ScriptReference to the file that reads the cookie:

<asp:ScriptReference Name="ReadCookie" Path="javascripts/ReadCookie.js" />

The timer calls this event:

protected void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)


My Question is how do I call that cookie and access the value in my code behind?

Thanks, Justin.

I guess I'll should restate my question:

How do I call a javascript function that has been added to the scripts collection of the scriptmanager (as shown above) from my c# codebehind?

Thanks, Justin.

You can register that JavaScript function in Timer's Tick Event.

Yes, I have tried that with no success but maybe I am doing it wrong:

<asp:ScriptManagerProxy ID="ScriptManagerProxy1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptReference Path="ReadCookie.js"/>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:Timer ID="Timer1" runat="server" Interval="10000" OnTick="readCookie">



function readCookie() {
var nameEQ = "PhoneNumber" + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0)==' ') {
c = c.substring(1,c.length);

if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0){
return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
else {
return null;

if (typeof(Sys) !== 'undefined') Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();

I Get this Error:

Compiler Error Message:CS0117: 'ASP.agents_customerdetailsform_aspx' does not contain a definition for 'readCookie'

Hi, Justin

Check this link for answer and more help:

  • CS0117 :: 'Type' does not contain a definition for 'Identifier' :

  • Calling javascript from a js file

    I have a js file that contains the function that i want called when the user clicks on the textbox and the calendarextender is shown

    calendarextender.onShown = functionName

    Working with a single page i have put this at the top inside the head

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>

    With a single page is works perfectly but now i want to make it add this to a master page

    creating a masterpage i have also added the same line inside the head, but when i try and run my content page and click on the textbox i get "Error: object is required"

    I have viewed the source and made sure that the <script> line is present. Also have tried pasting the function directly on the master page instead of pointing to a file

    <script type= "text/javascript" >

    function dosomething() </script>

    and i get the same error

    anybody got a suggestion on how i can get my master/content page to work with my js file



    I could be wrong, but I don't think the <head /> element from the Master Page is included when the page is sent to the browser - you normally set the info in the content page as you'd expect things like the title and meta tags to be different.

    You can do a quick "view - source" on the executed page to check this and if it's the case, you could included the script tag right at the top of your <body /> element - as long as it appears before the call to the function.

    Calling javascript from a control

    I think this is a newbie question but it has me stumped.

    I want to call a javascript function on a control when an event is fired. Specifically I want to call a javascript function when the value of a label changes.


    <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>

    When that changes, call the javascript function HelloWorld()

    that label is getting updated through a slidercontrol, so I was thinking about using the "onunload" event, but I'm really not sure.

    I don't think the label control has onchange event in javascript. You could implement an AJAX timer and check if the label was change every x amount of second.

    Sample how to use the Ajax timer here:

    Calling function on Codebehind from client side scripting using ASP.NET AJAX


    I'm relatively new to the new avtar of AJAX. I've used the Ajax.dll in my previous application to make an AJAX call.

    Now my issue is. How do i call a function on my code behind page , from my client side javascript. To elaborate this consider the following.

    I'm creating a new ASP.NET AJAX Web Site.

    I've Defaul.aspx with following controls.

    1. a button.

    2.a dropdown.

    In my Default.vb page i've a function FillComboValues() that returns a string.

    No on clicking Button i wanna run the FillComboValues() function on my code behind.( I DONT WANT TO USE UPDATEPANEL.)

    I've read many articles on net to solvemy problem but every example describes how to access a webservice method. none of them have described how to access a pagemethod.

    Pls help me out with this ...

    Thanks in advance.


    In previous version of ajax , we needed to register the server side function using <Ajax.AjaxMethod()> _ . isn't there an equivalent way of registering the function.?


    Same problem for me, plz let me know whether you have found a solution for this or not?


    Hi, you can only call static functions of codebehind from javascript normally. Create a static function in codebehind and in javascript just call it in the following way:

    say your static method is returning some string value, then in javascript you have to write,

    var returnedValue = <% ="'" + ReturnHello() + "'" %>

    In order to call a function on codebehind you can use either a WebService or an static method. I had the same problem and i used static methods because it′s more like Ajax.AjaxMethod, The first thing to do is to add to the scripmanager the following line EnablePageMethods="true" and then in code behing put [WebMethod] in front of every method you want to use. To call them from your client script, just use PageMethods.[your method name] and you should be good to go....

    i am speaking about the code behind file of aspx page (not asmx-webservice). You can not use [WebMethod] in codebehind file.

    In previous version of ajax , we needed to register the server side function using[Ajax.AjaxMethod()] {in codebehind} . isn't there an equivalent way of registering the function.?

    Pleaes let me know if you have any thing equivalent to this?


    i am speaking about the code behind file of aspx page (not asmx-webservice). You can not use [WebMethod] in codebehind file.

    In previous version of ajax , we needed to register the server side function using[Ajax.AjaxMethod()] {in codebehind} . isn't there an equivalent way of registering the function.?

    Please let me know if you have any thing equivalent to this?

    Alternate method inAjax Extensions is putting the control (for ex:button) in Update panel. All the events that u write for this control are async.

    So no need to declare explicitly[Ajax.AjaxMethod()]


    Equivalent way inAjax Extensions is putting the control (for ex:button) in Update panel. All the events that u write for this control are async.

    So no need to declare explicitly[Ajax.AjaxMethod()]

    Calling from client to server directly


    i want to access my server session values from the client using Ajax.Net, and i'm unsure how to do that.

    does the only way to access the server from the client (without a postback) is using a web service? can i access

    the server methods in my code behind file?

    if someone can attach some code sample it will be greatly appreciated

    This is actually pretty easy to do by taking advantage of the "WebMethods" feature of ASP.NET AJAX.

    Notice the last section on "Calling Static Methods". The drawback is that your method will need to be static. Fortunately, you can still grab the session values by using





    thanks, but this is the code i use right now.

    for some reason, i can't make it work when the methods marked as [WebMethod] are in the code behind file - only in the code infornt...

    is this a known limitation??


    Not sure what you mean by only being able to get this to work in the code infront. Are you sure that your page is set up to use the codebehind file? What does your method declaration look like? Is it possible that your code behind file isn't compiling due to an error?
    If you're refering to the codefile for teh page itself, you have to do a couple things. first, the method in the codefile has to be static, and second the scriptmanager has to have EnablePageMethods=true. After that, you should be able to call it from js via PageMethods.MethodName();


    My code behind file is configured correctly, and i can call other methods in the code behind file.

    my method is marked as public static, and has the

    [WebMethod] flag on it.

    when my method is declared in the ASPX file under <script runat="server"> tags, it works fine

    and i can access my server objects , when i copy it into my code behind file inside the class

    representing the page, i get a javascipt error saying "PageMethods is undefined"

    any ideas??


    Hi shahar_lazer,

    Can you post your code over here so we can test and hopefully fix it for you? Thanks


    I'd start looking in 2 places. Do you have a script manager on the page? If so, do you have EnablePageMethods=true?

    The second place you should look is your web.config. Is this a new "AJAX" project, or are you upgrading an older app? The Web.config needs to have certain entries in it to make everything work, including PageMethods. Try creating a new AJAX project and defining and testing a PageMethod there - if that works, you can narrow it down to your app, and likely your config.


    Tried my code inside an Ajax project and got the same results.

    here is my code (basically taken from the site examples)

    <%@. Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="/MasterPages/BaseTemplate.Master" %><%@. Register Assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" Namespace="System.Web.UI" TagPrefix="asp" %><%@. Import Namespace="System.Web.Services" %><%@. Import Namespace="Common" %><script runat="server"> </script><asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolderPage" runat="server"> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true"> <Scripts> <asp:ScriptReference Path="PageMethod.js"/> </Scripts> </asp:ScriptManager> <center> <table> <tr align="left"> <td>Write current date and time in session state:</td> <td> <input type="Button" onclick="SetSessionValue('SessionValue', 139135)" value="Write" /> </td> </tr> <tr align="left"> <td>Read current date and time from session state:</td> <td> <input type="Button" onclick="GetSessionValue('SessionValue')" value="Read" /> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <hr/> <span style="background-color:Aqua" id="ResultId"></span> </asp:Content>

    PageMethods.js looks like this:

    // PageMethods.jsvar displayElement;// Initializes global variables and session state.function pageLoad(){ displayElement = $get("ResultId"); PageMethods.SetSessionValue("SessionValue", Date(), OnSucceeded, OnFailed);}// Gets the session state value.function GetSessionValue(key) { PageMethods.GetSessionValue(key, OnSucceeded, OnFailed);}//Sets the session state value.function SetSessionValue(key, value) { PageMethods.SetSessionValue(key, value, OnSucceeded, OnFailed);}// Callback function invoked on successful // completion of the page method.function OnSucceeded(result, userContext, methodName) { if (methodName == "GetSessionValue") { displayElement.innerHTML = "Current session state value: " + result; }}// Callback function invoked on failure // of the page method.function OnFailed(error, userContext, methodName) { if(error !== null) { displayElement.innerHTML = "An error occurred: " + error.get_message(); }}if (typeof(Sys) !== "undefined") Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();
    i'm getting the feeling it is simply a limitation in the current version of Ajax.Net to use these
    methods in the code behind file - did someone pullled that off??


    Tried my code inside an Ajax project and got the same results.

    here is my code (basically taken from the site examples)

    <%@. Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="/MasterPages/BaseTemplate.Master" %><%@. Register Assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" Namespace="System.Web.UI" TagPrefix="asp" %><%@. Import Namespace="System.Web.Services" %><%@. Import Namespace="Common" %><script runat="server"> </script><asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolderPage" runat="server"> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true"> <Scripts> <asp:ScriptReference Path="PageMethod.js"/> </Scripts> </asp:ScriptManager> <center> <table> <tr align="left"> <td>Write current date and time in session state:</td> <td> <input type="Button" onclick="SetSessionValue('SessionValue', 139135)" value="Write" /> </td> </tr> <tr align="left"> <td>Read current date and time from session state:</td> <td> <input type="Button" onclick="GetSessionValue('SessionValue')" value="Read" /> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <hr/> <span style="background-color:Aqua" id="ResultId"></span> </asp:Content>

    PageMethods.js looks like this:

    // PageMethods.jsvar displayElement;// Initializes global variables and session state.function pageLoad(){ displayElement = $get("ResultId"); PageMethods.SetSessionValue("SessionValue", Date(), OnSucceeded, OnFailed);}// Gets the session state value.function GetSessionValue(key) { PageMethods.GetSessionValue(key, OnSucceeded, OnFailed);}//Sets the session state value.function SetSessionValue(key, value) { PageMethods.SetSessionValue(key, value, OnSucceeded, OnFailed);}// Callback function invoked on successful // completion of the page method.function OnSucceeded(result, userContext, methodName) { if (methodName == "GetSessionValue") { displayElement.innerHTML = "Current session state value: " + result; }}// Callback function invoked on failure // of the page method.function OnFailed(error, userContext, methodName) { if(error !== null) { displayElement.innerHTML = "An error occurred: " + error.get_message(); }}if (typeof(Sys) !== "undefined") Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();
    i'm getting the feeling it is simply a limitation in the current version of Ajax.Net to use these
    methods in the code behind file - did someone pullled that off??

    Well, your code above you didn't include the relevant methods from the codefiel for us to evaluate, and in fact what you did copy looks a lot like a page that doesn't use a codefile (the @.import statements and the lack of the CodeFile= attribute in the @.Page directive being my first clues on that). Given that you're getting and setting session variables, however, do your C# methods int eh codefile have the EnableSession=true set on the webmethod attribute flags? that could be the problem as well.

    that was the problem indeed!!! thanks!!Smile

    calling external webservice

    Hi all,

    I'am still working with the beta 2 version of Ms Ajax and i have question about making a call to an external webservice. Is it possible to make a call to an external webservice from javascript without a bridge file in RC. If not will it be possible in the future?

    Thanks in advance!

    In the current release, it's not possible to call an external web service without the bridge (see for more info) and for RTM this will probably continue like this, as you can see in this whitepaper, in the client networking feature.



    Hi Maire,

    Thanks for your response!!


    Actually you can call an external web service! Check out this article:

    I hope it helps,


    Hi Bogdanb,

    Thanks for your reply. Your example is an AJAX example and not a MS AJAX example. In AJAX it is possible to do a call to a webservice directly. MS AJAX simplefies this call for me. I want to use MS AJAX and call an external webservice. Right now i'am using a bridge file to make it work. i wanted to know if this will change in the future.


    calling external javascript functions/ library from within an update panel

    I have an application with a large number of javaScript functions that reside in external .js files. User controls that reference these files work perfectly.

    When usercontrols inside updatepanels call the external javascript functions and libraries, they fail with 'object not found' errors.

    I tested using the scriptmanager.registerclientscriptblock by adding a concatenated string with a simple function and it worked. But this is a bad way to do things both from a debugging standpoint as well as ease of code. There must be a better way?

    Dim scriptTextAsString

    scriptText = _

    "function prepareToClose() {"

    & _

    "alert('prepare to close');"

    & _


    & _

    " }"


    Me.btnLoad,Me.GetType(),"prepare_close", scriptTextTrue)


    "onCLick","prepareToClose(); return false;")

    What is the best way to do this?

    Unless someone has a better solution, here is what I did. Basically, I load the external file into a string and use the rgisterScriptBlock...everything works well and there is still just 1 instance of the scripts for easy maintenance and other non-ajax pages can use them. Here is the code for anyone interested.:

    System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.btnClose, Me.GetType(), "objectives", regLongScript("objectives.js"), True)


    Private Function regLongScript(ByVal incoming_name As String) As String
    Dim objStreamReader As IO.StreamReader
    Dim file_name As String = ""
    file_name = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath & "a\js_scripts\" & incoming_name
    objStreamReader = File.OpenText(file_name)
    Return objStreamReader.ReadToEnd()

    Catch ex As Exception
    Return ""
    End Try
    End Function

    Here's how I've been doing it:







    Here's how I've been doing it:







    Calling Custom Client Method with xml-script

    Here is the situation, I have created a custom class that inherits from the ATLAS foundation client classes, I can initialize it with no problems with-in the xml-script, but what I want to do next is have a button call a method that of my custom client class, I know to add the button and click behavior but after that I am not sure what to declare as all the examples that I find are for web services and global javascript functions. Here is a tiny excerpt of the code I am working with to help:

    I want to call MyContainer.AdjustThumbnailDimensions method and pass in the attributes from the two text form fields. Any help would be greatly apprieciated.

    1< Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>23<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">4<html xmlns="">5<head runat="server">6 <link href="CSS/Thumbnail.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />7 <title>Untitled Page</title>8</head>9<body>10 <form id="form1" runat="server">11 <atlas:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true" />1213 <div id="ThumbnailContainer" thumbnailHeight="150" thumbnailWidth="100">14 <div class="Thumbnail" img="Images/Space.gif" label="Test Thumbnail"></div>15 <div class="Thumbnail" img="Images/Joker.jpg" label="Joker"></div>16 <div class="Thumbnail" img="Images/Space.gif" label="Another Test"></div>17 </div>1819 height <input type="text" name="tHeight" value="150" size="4" /> width <input type="text" name="tWidth" value="100" size="4" /> <input id="adjustDimensions" type="button" value="Adjust Thumbnails" onclick="AdjustThumbnailDimensions( document.forms[0].tWidth.value, document.forms[0].tHeight.value );" />20 </form>21 <script>22My.Client.UI.MyContainer = function( associatedElement ) {23 My.Client.UI.MyContainer.initializeBase(this, [associatedElement]);2425 var m_Thumbnails = new Array();26 var m_ThumbnailHeight;27 var m_ThumbnailWidth;2829 this.initialize = function() {3031 for( var index = 0; index < associatedElement.childNodes.length; index++ ) {32 thumbnail = associatedElement.childNodes[index];33 m_Thumbnails[index] = new SGP.SPI2.Client.UI.Thumbnail( thumbnail );34 m_Thumbnails[index].initialize();3536 m_Thumbnails[index].set_ThumbnailHeight( m_ThumbnailHeight );37 m_Thumbnails[index].set_ThumbnailWidth( m_ThumbnailWidth );38 }39 }4041 this.AdjustThumbnailDimensions = function( width, height ) {4243 for( var index = 0; index < thumbnails.length; index++ ) {44 m_Thumbnails[index].set_ThumbnailHeight( height );45 m_Thumbnails[index].set_ThumbnailWidth( width );46 }4748 }4950}51My.Client.UI.MyContainer.registerClass( "My.Client.UI.MyContainer", Sys.UI.Control);52Sys.TypeDescriptor.addType("script", "MyContainer", My.Client.UI.MyContainer);53</script>54 <script type="text/xml-script">55 <page xmlns:script="">56 <references>57 <add src="Thumbnail.js" />58 </references>59 <components>60 <ThumbnailContainer id="ThumbnailContainer" />61 <button id="adjustDimensions">62<!-- What to do here ?? -->63<click>64 <invokeMethod />65 </click>66 </button>67 </components>68 </page>69 </script>70</body>71</html>
    Thank youOk, I have figured out what I was missing from more disection of the ATLAS runtime and hunting around for more examples of invokeMethod. I had to add the method getDescriptor and then I was able to reference my method. Now the next phase to bind the parameters to the form fields.

    Calling Clinet Function from Code Behind (Inside Ajax Update panel)


    Can anyone please provide information on how I can do this:

    I have a GridView control inside an Ajax Update panel and have wired the Selected IndexChanged action to call a Client side Javascript function (ViewReceipt()). Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work except if I take the control outside the update panel.

    Have posted my code below..

    protected void rgvInv_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Now execute the client-side stuff...
    StringBuilder sbScript = new StringBuilder();
    sbScript.Append("\n<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n");
    sbScript.Append("// -->\n");
    this.RegisterStartupScript("ClientSideCall", sbScript.ToString());




    Found some posts on this and tried to add the recommended code but still getting a syntax error, hope someone can help out..

    code behind:

    protected void rgvInv_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Now execute the client-side stuff...
    StringBuilder sbScript = new StringBuilder();
    sbScript.Append("\n<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n");
    sbScript.Append("// -->\n");
    //this.RegisterStartupScript("ClientSideCall", sbScript.ToString());
    //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.UpdatePanel1, this.GetType(), "ClientSideCall", sbScript.ToString(), true);
    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "ClientSideCall", sbScript.ToString(), true);


    Javascript Function:

    function EditReceipt()
    var manager = GetRadWindowManager();
    var rwEntry = manager.GetWindowByName("rwReceipt");



    Hi Peter,

    The problem with your code is that you should specify the last parameter to false in RegisterStartupScript method.

    This parameter indicates that <script> tag will be added automatically to wrap the sbScript. Since you've done that manually, so false should be used.

    Like this:

    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "ClientSideCall", sbScript.ToString(), false);

    Hope this helps.

    Hi Peter,

    Give full definition of EditScript() function then only I can help to you.




    Thanks for the information, I have already implemented a work around by moving the grid outside of the update panel. I'm using a telerik grid which has inbuilt AJAX and there are some clientside events which can be hooked into that has given me the functionality I require, anyway thanks for the information I can use it else where later.


    PeterBig Smile

    calling C# f. from ajax

    how can I call my f in C# ex.:

    public void test()


    Label1.Text = "test";


    from AJAX ?

    I need to call that f. from dragpanelextender after dropdown event

    You can either use webservice or pagemethods. Refer to this:

    Calling Asynchronous Web Services

    How do I call an asynchronous Web Service, from AJAX, that has been defined according to this article:

    How to: Create Asynchronous Web Service Methods

    The AJAX Web Service proxy-generator creates Begin<MethodName> and End<MethodName>... methods instead of just <MethodName>.

    Best Regards,
    Michael Carr

    1. On your web service class, place the attribute of [ScriptService]

    2. Create your web method.

    3. Call your web method from javascript at the following syntax:
    <YourWebServiceName>.<YoureMethodName>(<parameter1>,<parameter2>,...,onSuccess, onError)
    where onSuccess and onError are javascript functions acts as a callbacks to the web method. (you don't have to place
    an onError callback however it is recommended)

    4. Your onSuccess function shold receive your method returned value as a parameter and should look like that:
    function onSuccess(result)
    //Handle the method's returned value

    Vinija, that's fine for "normal" web service methods, but I'm trying to call an asynchronous web service method as defined by the above-referenced document. In this case, the WSDL describing the method is <MethodName>, but the AJAX WebServiceProxy generated class creates only Begin<MethodName> and End<MethodName> stubs. So, your approach doesn't work in this case.

    The question is, what is the purpose of making an asynchrnous call?

    My approach describes an asynchronous call to web service from javascript (If it wasn't asynchronous there wouldn't be any

    If the web service is remote and you need to create a proxy to it, all you have to do is copy the method names without
    any prefixes and call the same method on the remote service from your copied method. Then you can add the [ScriptService]
    attribute and call it from AJAX,

    The above reference doesn't relate to AJAX but to regular asynchronous call. To do that you need to place two calls
    for begin<Method> and end<Method> while calling the end<Method> will be in fact synchronous (you have to wait
    for the method to end). However, If you don't want any responce, you might just call the begin<Method>, However,
    toperform asynchronous calls from AJAX you realy don't need an "asynchronous proxy".

    Ajax itself is Async, There is not benifit of creating that kind of WebService.

    When using asynchronous web services does the "work" move to a new background thread or does it still remain on an ASP.NET thread? (A similar pattern to using an IHttpAsyncHandler.) If it does move to a non-ASP.NET thread then that would be a good reason to use the asynchronous web service pattern, even though AJAX is an asynchronous pattern as it provides scalability for the website because ASP.NET has a limited number of threads available.

    But, again, I'm not sure if the work moves to a background thread in the asynchronous web service model.

    Happy Coding.

    Yes Rumerman you're exactly right. Somehow I wasn't able to convey that point in my earlier posts.Sad I think the earlier posters are perhaps confusing anasynchronous method (what I want to do) with anasynchronous call to a method (what they're describing). I am basically trying to implement for a web service (asmx) what the "Async" property of the @.Page directive implements for web forms (aspx).

    I got ya... but there's no way to do it Sad

    The RESTHandler that handles our request when we execute a client call to a web service method we've tagged as a ScriptMethod is synchronous. It implements IHttpHandler, not IHttpAsyncHandler.

    I've gotten different responses from MSFT regarding why this is the case, but it seems that the consensus was that since the next version of ASP.NET AJAX supports calling WCF methods and those don't have to use ASP.NET threads anyways (they can live at an arbitrary endpoint not on the ASP.NET stack), then there wasn't a need to implement the RESTHandler using IHttpAsyncHandler because it would scale without moving the work to a background thread ... Now, my response to MSFT was, "wasn't WCF out before ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 dropped? (Yes.) Then why wasn't WCF supported to begin with?" Still waiting on an answer for that ... but most likely it'll be the so many features, so little time answer, which as a developer in the corporate world, I understand, even if I think this was a big missing feature.

    So to answer your question, no, there is no direct exposure to the BeginWebMethodName, EndWebMethodNamethat you're asking about.

    My understanding from the document I referenced in the first post of this thread was that asynchronous web methods are basically a server-side construct that provides a framework within which you can return a thread to the pool until some long-running process completes. Since this framework is established/handled within the server, it should have no bearing (I would suspect) on how the client calls the method. In fact, if you look at the WSDL created for the web service described in that document (or point your browser at webservice.asmx), you'll see that the WSDL has only <MethodName> defined and not Begin<MethodName> and End<MethodName>. This suggests to me that the client should see only <MethodName> and call it as it would any other web method.

    I suspect that what's happening in this case is that AJAX's proxy-generating code is using reflection to get the web methods instead of WSDL, and as a result it's creating Begin<MethodName> and End<MethodName> when it should be creating only <MethodName>. If this is the case, fixing this behavior may be as simple as fixing the proxy-generating code to detect Begin<> and End<> methods (as the WSDL-generator does, evidently) and handle them accordingly.


    ... asynchronous web methods are basically a server-side construct that provides a framework within which you can return a thread to the pool until some long-running process completes.

    That's absolutely correct. Only MethodName is in the WSDL, and the handling of the Begin<MethodName> and End<MethodName> requests is done by an implementation of the IHttpAsyncHandler. When AJAX interrogates the web methods (using reflection, you are correct), it only sees the WebMethod, not the Begin/End version of the WebMethod. There are no Begin/End methods exposed to the client as REST callable methods. Since ASP.NET AJAX overrides the default Handler for web service methods when they come across in a REST format and doesn't use the built-in .NET WebServiceHandler (handler for *.asmx), the asynchronous capabilities of the WebServiceHandler (the ability to handle Begin* and End*) aren't available. Even if we fixed the proxy to spit out Begin* and End* methods, the RESTHandler wouldn't know what to do with those calls and would just look for a web method of that name.

    I have the exact same issue. We are making a call to a web service that in some cases has to start a process that can take a few seconds to complete. With the high volume we are handling keeping that ASP.Net thread locked is not an option so we moved to an Async Web Method model. The problem is that everything works perfectly find when you use XML as the return type, as soon as you move to the JSON serialization you get a method not found when you look for MethodName. We are using jQuery to create the web service calls, so in this case we are using XML until we can get around the problem with JSON.

    Calling ASP.NET event handler from Javascript

    Does anyone know how to call an event handler from Javascript? What I am trying to do is a user clicks a button, I check to see that all the tasks are complete (from the database), if they aren't I display a confirm box saying "Should we mark all the tasks as complete?" If they select yes, I want to call a function in the ASP.NET code.

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated!


    In 1.0 and 1.1 it was

    __doPostBack('myButtonID', '');

    You may have to a validator on the page so that renders the javascript to handle this. You can easily put a linkbutton on with the url set to empty (or something like this).

    EDIT : It gets complicated if you need the button to also do some validation. Let me know and I can try to help here.

    There is a better method in 2.0 - something on a button called onBeforePostBack(). Not sure as I do not use it.

    I have determined a solution to this problem. I create the "confirm" message on the server side:

    string scriptCode ="if(confirm('Not all work order items have been marked as done. Would you like to mark all items as done and close the work order anyway?') == true) confirmComplete();";

    as you can see, I place the confirm in an if statement that calls a javascript function on the page. The javascript function just calls the "click" event on a button I have place on the page and hidden using CSS. The action that the button takes on the server side is the action want it to take.

    This brings an interesting problem. When I use the javascript function to click the button, it posts back but does not update the screen. Any suggestions now?


    Check this link

    Calling An UpdatePanel Update from Javascript

    From client side javascript I want to invoke an UpdatePanel's Update event. I do not see any documentation on a method to do this. I found triggers but those are based upon controls, I want to do this purely via javascript.

    I wonder if
    the internal method Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager _updatePanel Method does the job.

    Calling AJAX function

    Hi, I wonder if there's a way to call an AJAX function via code behind page. That is, I have an asp tab control on my page, in which on pressing a tab I open a menu via AJAX code and ask user to enter password then I validate that password and want to select that tab if password is correct. Since my tab is asp control the AJAX code doesn't know that so I have to return the password to the code behind page but since I have to call such function through AJAX:

    public void CheckRoomPsw(string psw)



    I don't have access to Tab control because this returns null, so there's two options which I don't know how to perform:

    1. call an AJAX control from CheckRoomPsw(string psw)

    2. get an access to tab control in CheckRoomPsw(string psw)

    Any idea is appreciated.

    have you tried using the findControl function. it lets you access a conrol by referencing its location and using its ID. so if you had a bunch of controls on your form and wanted to get to one you could do.


    if yours is inside of some ajax stuff it might be like


    then you can just cast that to reference the object type

    string value = ((TextBox)form1.findControl("txtUserName")).Text;

    Actually, I've done that:

    public void CheckRoomPsw(string psw)
    JQD.TabStrip ts = (JQD.TabStrip)this.FindControl("TabStrip1");

    but this returns null!!

    I think it's because CheckRoomPsw() is an AJAX function

    Perform the tab selection on the client-side callback. Return a boolean from the AJAX method after you check the password, if it is true perform the tab selection.

    Also, it looks like you're using AJAX.NET, which is a completely separate product from ASP.NET AJAX, so you might want to see if they have a forum.

    Have you had luck fixing your issue?


    Not yet!

    I'm still looking for solution!

    Have you tried doing the tab selection client-side?

    I tried much to get access to the tab control from js code (client side) but since the tab control is an asp user control, it can't be known from js code.

    Use theOnClientActiveTabChangedproperty on the tab. See for more information.


    Thanks for your concern Domien!

    However, I'm not using and don't know much about itEmbarrassed and it's a bit risky to change my tab control now that I'm on the final steps of completing my project

    IS there any other solution please

    Calling a WebService in another website on the same domain (Solved)

    Hi all.

    I'd been messing about with Atlas this week and after some banging of head against wall managed to get the basics working. I then found myself wanting to build a modular application consisting of multiple web services, but was getting no joy calling web servies in external solutions (projects) - I had the usual stuff reported in Fiddler suggesting I add [WebOperationAttribute(true, ResponseFormatMode.Json, true)] to my web method.

    Not having done any webservice coding before this was all a bit bewildering but with some persistence I managed to get it all working.

    If anyone else is having trouble here's what you do:

    1) Make sure your remote web service is also an Atlas application.

    2) In the Web.Config file of the remote webservice add the following under the <system.web> section:

    <remove verb="*" path="*.asmx"/>
    <add verb="*" path="*.asmx" type="Microsoft.Web.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory" validate="false"/>
    <add verb="*" path="iframecall.axd" type="Microsoft.Web.Services.IFrameHandler" validate="false"/>

    3) In your WebService class file include a reference to the Microsoft.Web.Services namespace:

    Imports Microsoft.Web.Services

    4) On your WebMethod add the following WebOperationAttribute:

    <WebOperationAttribute(True, ResponseFormatMode.Json, True)>

    So, it should look like:

    <WebMethod()> _
    <WebOperationAttribute(True, ResponseFormatMode.Json, True)> _
    Public Function HelloWorld(ByVal strValue As String) As String
    Return strValue
    End Function

    (some examples I found (including that of Fiddler I think) had square brackets surrounding the WebOperationAttribute which confused the issue)

    5) In your calling application, reference the remote service as follows:

    <atlas:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
    <atlas:ServiceReference Path="http://localhost/AtlasTest2/Test.asmx" />

    ...and that should work.

    Hope this helps. Any comments/suggestions welcome.


    Hi Ben,

    In theory, you should not have to go through the iframehandler if your other web service is in the same domain. Try simply havingpath="/AtlasTest2/Test.asmx" without thehttp://localhost part.

    The reason you saw square brackets in some samples is that it is the C# syntax for attributes, while you're using VB.


    Calling a Webservice from within a javascript object - closure issue?


    I'm making a client side call to a web services but I need to wrap up the functionality that makes the call within another object. The code is below. The code worked fine before I wrapped it in the "ImageViewer" object but now when I try to call the Web Service Method it doesn't recognise the onComplete call back function and says "onComplete" undefined. (See the getImageIDs method). I suspect this is something to do with scope and/or closure but I've been unable to come up with a solution. What is the correct way to do this? Any help will be appreciated.



    Raydius.ImageViewer =

    function(ImageDivID, ImageListDivID){this.ImageDiv = $get(ImageDivID);this.ImageListDiv = $get(ImageListDivID);this.ImageIDs = [];this.Images = [];


    Raydius.ImageViewer.prototype = {


    // Call the WebService

    RaydiusWS(id, onComplete);


















    'Raydius.ImageViewer');function initImageViewer(){

    var viewer =new Raydius.ImageViewer("ImageDiv","ImageListDiv");



    See if my example here helps you:

    Thanks for the response. There was actually a daft error in my code that was stoppinmg it working both the other post you directed me to was helpful. The userContext param is very useful.



    Calling a WebMethod from JavaScript (In another directory) doesnt work

    Hello everybody,

    I have a Web Part and in that web part (ascx) and in a seperate directory (Javascript/Authentication/login.js) I have a javascript.

    I have a web method from the other side that check and see if a user is available or not. I know 100% my webmethod is working because when I run it I can test the webmethod in browser from Visual Studio.

    The problem is that when even I try to access that webmethod (webservice) the error : WebService is not defined pops up.

    I want to know why this is happening ? Is it because I have my javascript in a seperate file other than my web service file (asmx) ?

    I appreciate any help.


    Please totally forgive me, I had a syntax error, I fixed it now, working fine.

    I typed the name of my web service wrong.

    Sorry Again.

    Calling a Web Service that requires parameters in a SOAP Header

    Is calling a web service that requires parameters in a SOAP header supported? What is the best way to try and accomplish this?

    SOAP is not used in the exchange between client and server, instead JSON is used.

    JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a lightweight client-server data exchange format. It is used as an alternative to data exchange with XML in AJAX, with the advantage that it can be parsed much more easily than XML. For example, in JavaScript, JSON objects can be deserialized by simply passing them to theeval function.

    For more information, see the beta documentation at:

    Calling a Web service method that returns an XmlDocument object

    I'm calling a webservice method that returns an XmlDocument object. I'm getting the result back object back, but in my SuccededCallback function I'm having trouble navigating through the object with JavaScript. I'm trying to use methods on the object like .selectsinglenode and .selectnodes etc, but I keep getting a script error; "Object doesn't support this property or method. Any ideas? I'll post some of the code i'm trying to work with below.

    Here is how i call the method from the client ...

    Navegate.Services.GeneralTasks.GetSelectedPartyNumber(guid, id, SucceededCallback, FailedCallback);

    Here is the web method ...

    <WebMethod()> _

    <ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat:=ResponseFormat.Xml)> _

    PublicFunction GetSelectedPartyNumber(ByVal sessionguidAsString,ByVal idAsInteger)As XmlDocumentDim oXmlDocumentAs XmlDocument

    oXmlDocument =

    New XmlDocumentWith oXmlDocument


    "<DocumentPacket><Company><Number>12345</Number></Company></DocumentPacket>")EndWithReturn oXmlDocument


    And here is how i handle the response from the webservice method but get an error on .selectsinglenode ...







    Umm... Since it took five hours for this to post i was able to find the solution elsewhere.

    I worked after I user .selectSingleNode instead of .selectsinglenode.

    Calling a web service in a javascript causes page reload

    Hey guys,

    Here is what is happening. I have a user control in which I have an update panel with a button and some label. On click of that button, I call a javascript function which in turn calls a web service. The web service does get called and everything works nicely, but the whole page is being refreshed. The moment the javascript calls a web service, the refresh of the whole page occurs (when in turn nothing should happen besides the web service called).

    Do I have something misconfigured that causes the script manager to do the whole page refresh on a web service call? I have the same structure in another control, and that one doesn't cause the page refresh.

    If anyone has experienced this and have a solution for it, I would love to hear it.


    Are you using Server Button Control(<asp:Button/>) of usual html button(<input type="button"> ?

    I'm assuming you have something like:

    <asp:Button ... OnClientClick="CallMyWebService()" />


    <input type="button" ... onclick="CallMyWebService()" />

    Try making it "CallMyWebService(); return false;"... the "return false" tells the browser not to continue handling the event (by submitting the form, for example). If that's not it, you might try showing us your code.

    Calling a Web Service from within JavaScript source

    I'm trying to make an internal Web Service call from within an ATLAS client control, but I can't figure out how to get the parameters passed into the call properly into the Invoke method for ServiceMethod.

    The following manages to call the Web Service but the parameter is not respected.

    var num =new Object();

    num.Value = -1;

    var serviceMethod =new Sys.Net.ServiceMethod(_serviceURL, _serviceMethod,null/*? _appUrl */);var _request = serviceMethod.invoke(num, _onMethodComplete, _onError,



    2000, Sys.Net.WebRequestPriority.Normal);

    Actually I can see that the object needs to be formatted with the name of the parameter. While I can do this for testing - at runtime I have no idea what service the user is connecting to so I won't know the name of the parameter. Isn't there some more generic way to call the Web Service from code?

    Also what is AppUrl in this context?

    I suspect the answer is the higher level ServiceMethodRequest, but it takes a UserContext object that I have no idea how to create.

    Any ideas appreciated.

    +++ Rick --

    The first parameter to invoke() is an object that wraps all the parameters of your server method. e.g if your server method takes an int named 'n' and a string named 's', you would have:

    serviceMethod.invoke({i:5, s:"Hello"), ...)


    Ok, that's not terribly useful <g>... All of the values passed are going to be variables. Unless I parse this myself I can't see how to call the service dynamically with this scheme.

    There's gotta be a higher level mechanism for making a remote Web Service call? If not, then that's something that should maybe be there? Similar to what Callmethod used to do?

    +++ Rick --

    Not sure I'm following you. In the code above, you can replace 5 and "Hello" by arbitrary variables.

    Note that there is indeed an alternative way of calling services by using the generated proxy. See thispage for an example.

    Yeah of course I can call a Web Service that's PREDEFINED using the proxy class generated, but that doesn't help if you need to call the service when you don't know beforehand what the name is or what's exposed on it. If you want dynamic execution you won't know immediately at runtime what the parameters are or what the type.

    So yeah, I can write a string value there but if I don't know that it's a string beforehand it gets to be a major hassle to write that call.

    Consider this scenario: You build a custom client control and you have an option to call a service Url with arbitrary parameters that are set up in an array. Then you have to parse that call into this funky syntax.

    There needs to be a way to dynamically call a service the same way that CallMethod used to work.

    Yeah of course I can call a Web Service that's PREDEFINED using the proxy class generated, but that doesn't help if you need to call the service when you don't know beforehand what the name is or what's exposed on it. If you want dynamic execution you won't know immediately at runtime what the parameters are or what the type.

    So yeah, I can write a string value there but if I don't know that it's a string beforehand it gets to be a major hassle to write that call.

    Consider this scenario: You build a custom client control and you have an option to call a service Url with arbitrary parameters that are set up in an array. Then you have to parse that call into this funky syntax.It doesn't work.

    There needs to be a way to dynamically call a service the same way CallMethod used to work. So you can specify an array of values, an endpoint Url and method name.

    I do not think Macrh CTP directly provides the functionality you are looking for. But if you can exam how Sys.Data.DataSource class works. it may provide some hints if you decide to write you own class to accomplish your goal.

    Actually, the syntax above is completely generic, and requires no hard coded knowledge of any aspect of the web service. All the parameters are passed as arbitrary name/value pairs on a standard Javascript object, which can be added dynamically.


    David, I think your sample code is some kind of generic, but i don't see how it works if we don't know , at design time, what public web services out there user want to call.

    Why do you think you need to have this information at design time? Every piece of the code (the URL, the method name, the parameter names and values) can be specified dynamically.

    Of course, if you are referring to the proxy class, then yes, that is only usable for the case where you know at design time what service you want to call. But the original post was not about the proxy.


    Hi David,

    We seem to have some sort of disconnect here. Let me explain what I mean.

    You said:

    The first parameter to invoke() is an object that wraps all the parameters of your server method. e.g if your server method takes an int named 'n' and a string named 's', you would have:

    serviceMethod.invoke({i:5, s:"Hello"), ...)

    First is that type prefix required or not? I think I tried without it and it didn't seem to work. If it is required then the above is not generic because you'd have to parse the values into the above format and then eval it into a string somehow which is a mess.

    You say the above with such certainty, but you have to remember we're working off this stuff blind. This stuff isn't documented. We DON'T KNOW what the parameter signature is, we have to guess...

    So anything you can do to explain would be really helpful...


    +++ Rick --

    Hi Rick,

    In Javascript writing { i:5, s:"hello" } creates an object that contains two fields with those name/value pairs. 'i' and 's' are not prefixes, they are field names, and in Atlas JSON services (as in SOAP) they are required since parameters are passed by name (and not by order).

    Another way to create this same object is to write:

    var o = {};
    o.i = 5;
    o.s = "hello";

    And yet another way which I think will be the one you want is:

    var o = {};
    o["i"] = 5;
    o["s"] = "hello";

    Note that that there is no need to call eval(), which would indeed be ugly (and inefficient). Does that give you what you are lookin for?

    And I certainly realize the doc is poor and samples are limited. But they'll get better! :)


    Calling a web service from javascript at page load

    I need to call a web service at page load from javascript. I have several other web services that are successfully called on other occasions (when leaving a text input field for example).

    I suspect the reference by the script manager to the services aren't done at the moment of the call (when the page load). The service is working fine when called from another "event handler" i.e. whenever input events are fired. Also, any service I try to call at page load failed to be called.

    So, do I guess right? What can I do to get my call to work?

    I'm using April CTP

    Thank you all in advance

    Check this

    look for Calling Web Services When a Page Loads, hope this helps.

    Thank you very much... I should have look twice in the documentation

    The documentation doesn't exist anymore, and the trick it suggested no longer works on Beta 2:

    <page xmlns:script="">
    <application id="application" load="OnApplicationLoad" />

    What's an alternative way to do this besides using setTimeout to wait some arbitrary number of seconds before calling that javascript function "OnApplicationLoad"?

    Calling a Web Service from Javascript


    I'm developing a WebTv channel using Atlas. My problem is in the calling of the Webservice from Javascript, it only works when I put one button like in the Atlas example:

    The error appears when I'm invoking the WebService on the 'onload' event of the page:

    requestSimpleService = iDomus.RSS..RssParser('',OnComplete, OnTimeout);

    The error on the 'onload' event is: Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'iDomus' is undefined.

    I suspect that the namespace is not recognized because the Atlas engine is rendered after my script.

    Any help will very appreciated.

    Best regards,

    Paulo Alves.

    not that i have any answer for this but...

    do you have "Type.registerNamespace("iDomus")" any where in your javascript?
    better yet... is it before the actualy class (or object) decleration:

    <script type="text/javascript">

    The other problem is that you might not have the "Namespace" setup correctly... so if your object is actually "iDomus.RSS.RssParser" then I would register the "iDomus.RSS" Namespace

    since I'm working blind with what the page setup looks like...
    it could also be that your object decleration is further down in the code than in the "onload" event.

    again... i'm not apart of any "team" so... take it for what it is worth:
    declare all of your objects first and then utilize the "pageLoad" function that gets called from Atlas

    -- page declare
    -- html
    -- head
    -- -- script manager
    -- body
    -- -- html elements
    -- end body
    -- script [for atlas]
    -- -- js objects
    -- -- pageLoad(){}
    -- end script
    -- end html

    this way if you have the a seperate JS file then the "Script Manager" should load the JS file before the "pageLoad" or before the lower script section gets parsed by the browser

    hope that helps...


    Thank you for your reply.

    The namespace I think is registered by the ScriptManager. When I invoque the webservice: Rss.asmx/js the result is:

    Type.registerNamespace('iDomus'); iDomus.RSS=new function() { this.path = "http://localhost:4360/WebTV/RSS.asmx"; this.appPath = "http://localhost:4360/WebTV/"; var cm=Sys.Net.ServiceMethod.createProxyMethod; cm(this,"RssParser","url"); }

    My aspx has the follow code:


    @.PageLanguage="C#"AutoEventWireup="true"CodeFile="SimpleRSS.aspx.cs"Inherits="aluno_Media_player" %>

    <!DOCTYPEhtmlPUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN""">









    scripttype="text/javascript"language="JavaScript">//timer = window.setInterval('parser();',1000);


    function parser()


    //Call script proxy passing the input element data

    requestSimpleService1 = iDomus.RSS.RssParser(





    //Complete event


    //Timeout event



    timer = window.setInterval(



    function OnCompletePublico(result)


    Publico.innerHTML = result;


    function OnTimeoutPublico(result)


    Publico.innerHTML =




    <page xmlns:script=













    And the WebService:


    @.WebServiceLanguage="C#"Class="iDomus.RSS" %>

























    WebService(Namespace ="http://idomus/")]


    WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo =WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]publicclassRSS : System.Web.Services.WebService



    WebMethod]publicstring RssParser(string url)


    string title =null;string link =null;XmlTextReader reader =null;StringBuilder sb =newStringBuilder();

    reader =



    if (!reader.EOF)



    int cont = 0;while (reader.Read() && cont < 4)//processa o ficheiro RSS


    if (reader.Name =="item" && reader.NodeType ==XmlNodeType.Element)



    "<img src=\"images/bullet.gif\"> ");


    if (reader.Name =="title")


    title = reader.ReadString();


    if (reader.Name =="link")


    link = reader.ReadString();


    if (reader.Name =="item" && reader.NodeType ==XmlNodeType.EndElement)




    "<br />");





    "<small>(act. " +DateTime.Now.Hour +":" +DateTime.Now.Minute +")");


    return sb.ToString();





    As you said, maybe the code is not in right place, but I don't know another option.

    Sorry for the length of the post and thank you again for your help.


    Paulo Alves.

    The Javascript error is:

    Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'iDomus' is undefined

    In Fiddler the error is:

    An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

    System.Web.HttpMethodNotAllowedHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +103
    System.Web.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +317
    System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +65

    I think the error is on the Atlas.js, but I can't figure it out.

    Paulo Alves.


    well, it looks like a permissions problem..are you running in medium trust?

    Luis Abreu:


    well, it looks like a permissions problem..are you running in medium trust?

    I try even put in low trust, but the error is the same.

    In my web.config I have the typical settings for Atlas:




















    allowusers="*" />







    Thank you..

    Paulo Alves.

    Hello again!

    I follow All the options addressed by Meisinger and Luis Abreu and with the change in the loaction of Javacript, I put it in the Head of the document, and using the Javascript Function:

    timerRss1 = setTimeout("parser()", 1000);

    Now it works without problems.

    Thank you very mutch Meisinger and Luis Abreu for your tips.


    Paulo Alves.

    hello again...

    are you saying that putting the script block in the header solves the problem?

    I thought the position of the script has influence, but I put it back in the body and still working. The change that solve me part of the problem was in the SCRIPTMANAGER:


    When in the last version I put "Rss.asmx/js", like in examples of Atlas Team.

    I make this change several times but did't work. I don't know why but now is working. A lot of people had experience some problems with atlas in some specific script blocks, maybe this has the same problem and by magic disappeared.


    Paulo Alves.

    hello again.

    ah, i've missed it...

    well, you put the /js if you add the file by hand. for example, you could do this:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="">

    when you use the scriptmanager, you can't add the /js since it'll add it automatically...

    Calling a web service from an update panel

    I am running through the tutorial on calling a web service from an update panel. I have a web site project and a separate web service project that contains the service that I'm trying to call. When I click the button that should make the call to the web service I get a javascript error that my web service is not defined. I am thinking that there is something wrong with the proxy that is getting created. So, I set the inlinescript property to true to see the .js that is getting generated. However, when I do this I get an error that : "The virtual path maps to another application which is not allowed". Does my web service file need to actually be in the same project as my website? This doesn't seem to make much sense because I have multiple web sites that call the same web service. What am I doing wrong here?

    Thanks in advance

    Hi Igouch,

    Take a look at this:

    when you want to refer to a webservice that you have not in the same solution as your webproject you could use a bridge file to make it possible. otherwise if you want to complete the tutorial build the webservice in the same solution as the webproject. then you are able to set a direct reference to your webservice.

    Hope it helps.

    Right now I do have the web service in the same solution - but not the same project. Does the web service have to be in the same project as the web application? I am not familiar with doing this as we have always had a separate project for every web service that we've developed. Even though they are in the same solution I still am getting the message that the virtual path maps to a different application which is not allowed.

    calling a web service from a secure site

    I have hooked into a web service from our site and it has worked fine throughout development. Now that we've pushed the site live, the page that calls the service is a secure page and I get a javascript error on a line 3210. I'm assuming it's in the Atlas.js file (since I'm using Atlas to call the web service). That line says'POST', _effectiveUrl,true);

    I'm not sure what to do to fix this or if it's possible to fix it since I'm calling it from a secure page. Has anyone run into anything like this before and if so, how do you get around it? Or is it impossible to call an unsecure web service from a secure page? Thanks.

    The browser generally limits calls from secure to unsecure pages. Is there any way you can put the web service on the same secure site?


    I'm having almost the same problem... the only difference is that the page is not a secure page...

    Well, the service the page is calling is located on the same secure domain as the secure page. And in the atlas:ServiceReference Path, I specify the full secure url. It is in this service on the secure site that it calls the unsecure service. So, I would think that the browser wouldn't really know anything about the unsecure service since it's only calling a secure service. Unfortunately the unsecure service is not mine and I have no way to secure it. Is there any other type of work around for this? Thanks.

    So if I understand correctly:

    Your page in on the secure server. e.g.
    Yes, you've got it. That's exactly how it's set up. The secure page calls a web service through Atlas on the same secure server. That service has a web reference set up to a non secure service. That's what I was afraid of, but I'm not sure then why it works if I go to the page as an unsecure url.

    But where is the failure point? I assume that the call from Javascript to the secure server is correctly happening, and that it is the second call to the non-secure service that is failing?

    If so, I would think this would happen without Atlas in the picture. e.g. if you make the same non-secure call from your page's Page_Load() method, does it fail in the same way?

    Unfortunately because this is not on a my local box, I can't do any real step through debugging, but according to the error message, it looks like it's occurring in the atlas javascript call to the 1st (secure) service in atlas.js, line 3210,'POST', _effectiveUrl, true);.
    I just tried something and found something interesting. I modified the atlas.js file and put an alert right before the line that's erroring with the url of the service it's trying to call. Even though I setup the serverreference path ashttps://secure..., when it alerts, it's coming back ashttp://secure... When I view source, the reference is still there as https, so I'm not sure why atlas is treating it as http. Maybe I'll have to just redo this in traditional ajax and forgo the Atlas handling.

    Calling a WCF secure service

    I know Atlas has some extensions to call WCF services but I am wondering is there any way to call a service using WS-Security instead of transport security (Https) ?.



    Hi Pablo,

    Atlas is targeted on the "reach" end of the spectrum, which means it's pitched at technologies that are already widely deployed today. This necessarily means it can't take advantage of some of the richer protocol work like WS-Security because it's new and not everyone understands how to speak that stuff yet. I think of that as the "reach/rich tradeoff". The unfortunate reality is that you can't optimize for both at the same time.

    However, history has shown that technologies that were once squarely in the 'rich' end of the spectrum have a tendency to become ubiquitous over time (a great example of this is DHTML, which has been around for years but has only recently become interesting).

    Interesting times ahead :)
    Thanks a lot Steve!!!. I just want to be sure about that.

    calling a VB class from Javascript?

    Hi, I created a webservice to return a dataset for my autocomplete word list. Now, I am wondering if it's possible that we could call a vb class in javascript function? Eg.

    HTML:<inputtype="text"onkeypress="return getList(this);"id="strSearch"/>

    Javascript: function getList(word) { // call or invoke vb class to return dataset }

    If that is impossible, is there anyway to create a autocomplete WITHOUT using XMLHTTP ..?

    Take a look at pagemethods with the script manager.

    I think you can use Async Postback. Take a look at

    Let me know if it answers your question.


    Unless you remote script it in an iframe, whatever you do with AJAX is going to use XmlHttpRequest. Why do you want to avoid that?

    Page methods might work well for what you're doing, though you'd need to convert your DataSet to an array before returning it. The AJAX framework doesn't support serializing DataSets to JSON quite yet (soon).

    However, if all you want is an auto completing TextBox, you should just take a look at theAutoComplete extender in the AJAX Toolkit. No point in re-inventing the wheel.

    No, JavaScript can not call a function that is serverside code. It can only call JavaScript code. If you want to call code on the server, you should ook into using the pagemethod,

    For more infomation, see, especially the following section:

    Calling Static Methods in an ASP.NET Web Page

    You can add static page methods to an ASP.NET page and qualify them as Web methods. You can then call these methods from script as if they were part of a Web service, but without creating a separate .asmx file. To create Web methods in a page, import theSystem.Web.Services namespace and add aWebMethodAttribute attribute to each static method that you want to expose.

    To be able to call static page methods as Web methods, you must set theEnablePageMethods attribute of theScriptManager control totrue.

    The following example shows how to call static page methods from the client script to write and read session-state values.


    Best Regards,